My oh my these weeks do roll on by...I am linking up to share the week in a few cell phone pictures... a virtual snapshot plus, if you will...
It seems that it really is Spring...
which is odd, because I cannot recall that we had winter here in NY...
The artists have flowers on their mind and in their hearts as well....
I adore the new work in form Laurie Meseroll...color, texture and style to boot!

...and Jennifer Lanne with her new "Sparkles & Tatters" series...
Rory has been particularly helpful, he seems to think the Easter Bunny operates on much the same principles as Santa...be good get toys = be good get Easter basket loot...you know there is a "naughty nice list" for chocolate....I am not going to burst his bubble anytime soon...
I had two lovely letters arrive this week and I still feel like a little kid when I get a real live letter in with all the jumble of bills and catalogs and assorted junk mail...Jody Battaglia has been playing on her own computer and sent off a wee little book of her critters with tips and noteworthy happy thoughts...love this Jody and you too...if you don't read Jody's BLOG -- you need to stop by FUNTOWN...
My gal gal pal -- I call Julia the Dog Whisperer of Ann Arbor since she runs In-Harmony Dog Training -- sent me a thank you for the fun time at our event in FL at the JT Folk Art Gallery, it was such a pretty card, I feel like I should send a "you're welcome" card right back to her!
I was sick for a day with a stomach virus that my kiddos so lovingly shared...
I slept like a cat for a day...not feeling like that was a great way to get stuff done...no wonder cats don't rule the planet...

Tooth Fairy art in the hallway at another local grammar school...I was waiting for Aidan's basketball game to start...this was my fave...look at the tooth brush in one hand and the buck in another...looks like kids have gotten a raise for each tooth...
I have decided this is the ultimate outfit...
Krys Kirkpatrick, you've painted it, now can you stitch it up for me please???

Could these be cuter, it's mini me Harvest Moon critters...Val you slay me!

Your resident fan has nominated a favorite!

I am feeling like I need to get back to basics this week...it must be the change of seasons...
on that note I always like how Jill Schwartz' jewelry is made of these wonderful little baubles and stones and glass and beads...
fitting she calls them "Elements"...we shot gobs of her new line this week...

Catch you soon...I will be posting a few more times this week, there's lots a foot here at Earth
Angels...Hoping to share a peek at the new website in work soon!
And let me know....What made your week a good one?
xxoo Jen
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