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...jen o'connor's...Artful Adventures & Daily Inspirations

I Love Art, Adore the Handmade and Treasure the Vintage. I am the Fun Mom, the Silly Friend and the Writer who wants to make more room for beauty in the everyday.

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Friday, April 13, 2007

She's My Earth Girl

Form so often follows function, we can forget that the form can be dubious, distracting us from the mundane use and surprising us in the ultimate practicality of the piece. I am of the opinion that it completely normal to have rows of chickens, cats, clowns and the stray penguin on my counters...pottery of course....each a useful sentinel, guarding what they hold. Cheer dispensed generously along the route to the cookies in the jar, or the flour in the cow canister. Nary a dull spot here with Jill's pottery in the room as I write. Her bulbous creations sport googly eyes and perky lips that watch me, hunched over the laptop and pounding away...I think those barnyard buddies are smirking at me for sure....

Jill Wiener has a wry wit, a quick affection for the festive in the everyday, and a love of soy milk in her coffee. I love that we are friends. By the time we met, I had long admired her Earth Girl pottery, and had bought it, hoarding it, not willing to share it with my customers.... I was known to even hide it when collector friend company was coming so as not to have to share!

So just how happy was I when we met and she agreed to let me sell her work? I was jump for polka dotted joy happy, marmalade on warm buttered toast happy, singing bluebird happy. You know that feeling... it's the same when you pick up something handmade that you know you will love forever and you realize, wow this is actually mine...and it's the only one in the whole world...That's how I feel about Jill and all she makes. She's my Earth Girl!
When I visited her barn and studio in "the middle of nowhere", truly a beautiful spot, at the end of the mile long driveway guarded by garden gnomes and hothouses, I knew I was in for a treat. She works with abandon whisking the clay on her wheel into thrown majesties of form leaving just enough room in her delightfully functional wares for a dash of whimsical personality. She has more colors and clays in her palette than flowers in her yard...and that's saying a lot since Jill grows a cutting garden I'd take over Versailles.
Can you tell we have fun? My Mom couldn't get us to stand still for the picture, those cupcakes looked good enough to eat... So Yum Yum to the form that strays from the norm in the hands of the Earth Girl!
xxoo Jen
ps...Jill has just delivered a new batch of creations...we've prepared a "Newsy Update" to share the images and details....let me know if you'd like me to email it to you...

8 comments: said...

Love your artist and site,such talent you have there, Always new and orginal artist/creations.wish I could be a earth angel!

Anonymous said...

Jill's pottery is happy and fun. She is able to do some incredibe things with clay and glaze! I like her work.

Anonymous said...

Jen you are fabulous! Thank you for sharing all the wonderful stories about the talented artists/friends and the great adventures. I can never have enough of Laurie's Mudcakes and my wish list for other artists work just grows and grows. I can't wait to see when you post new work, its like being in a candy store -sheer delight. It is great to see the new artists you are introducing us to, including Jill's Earth Girl Pottery. I love her work. It's full of whimsey and fun. My daughter loves her Banana Boy Monkey bank, it is her very first piece of art all her own. Thanks for sharing Earth Girl Pottery with us. xoxo julie

Kathrine said...

I want to be sitting in that chair in front of that wonderful barn making fabulous pottery like Jill's. Ok....mine would be lopped sided and not so cute.

Jill, your pottery is wonderful and Jen, as usual you knock my socks off with your writing.


Rosanne said...

Jill's pottery is so much fun. I love to mix it in with all different textures...bears, paintings, etc. Jill is just as much fun! Can I come play in the barn? said...

Just passing threw on a quick visit after working on my cookbook dummy all night,it will have vinatge family photos and lots of art work and other goodies threw it.Later darling.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Jill's pottery is so bright and fun. I use to make pottery in college and I loved it. It's soooo good to see someone having so much fun with this medium. Keep the wheel spinning Jill your work is wonderful :)

Jennifer Lanne said...

ooooh how cute and those chubby, happy shapes!

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