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...jen o'connor's...Artful Adventures & Daily Inspirations

I Love Art, Adore the Handmade and Treasure the Vintage. I am the Fun Mom, the Silly Friend and the Writer who wants to make more room for beauty in the everyday.

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Monday, October 16, 2017 column is on the newsstands...are you an Artful Entrepreneur???

...many of you don't know that my formal training is in Urban Planning -- yep -- even have the Masters and the Professional License (AICP) -- 
but that may not seem to match with what I do everyday with Earth Angels Studios...

But it does! It does!  Why??? 
My specialization in Planning is in small business economic development... that means, I know how to help business grow through garnering sales, how they market and how they position themselves within the economy as makers and manufacturers...

So now -- instead of working with food and fashion liked I used to in Manhattan, the Bronx and Brooklyn when I lived in Queens -- I work with handmade and have since I started my dabbling in 1994 as a hobby business...

I went full time into Earth Angels in 2000 when I had my first kiddo and have not looked back.... 

Soooo it' really nice for me to have the opportunity to come full-circle and share my business development know-how in a four part series called 

"Paying the Bills with Your Passion"

A huge thanks to Jo Packham of 
for the opportunity to write this new column on artful entrepreneur....

Part I is on how to turn a hobby business 
(yes, just like I did) into a legitimate one...with research and evaluation of the market and your goods!

You can read the entire article in the July issue... 
....and the October Issue has just hit the newsstands with Part II  of my column -- more on that soon

...and hope you can catch these pieces if they are relevant to you as you start or grow your own handmade business....

xo Jen

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