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...jen o'connor's...Artful Adventures & Daily Inspirations

I Love Art, Adore the Handmade and Treasure the Vintage. I am the Fun Mom, the Silly Friend and the Writer who wants to make more room for beauty in the everyday.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fab CA Event! THIS weekend...

I so very much wish I could go to this event this weekend...and see all these amazing artists and their new creations....

If you are in the area, please do consider attending and say hi to my artist pals for me.

Here's the info ....

A Gathering of friends

Saturday March 26th, !0:00am - 2:00pm

Our Hosts: Dana Miller Wade & Jack

Mill Creek Restaurant-----103 Lincoln Ave.------ Corona, Ca -----91 Fwy @ Lincoln Ave Exit

Spring is in the air and we have been busy making work for this special gathering.

Come to just say "hi".

It will be great to see all out old friends again.....

Jody Battaglia .... Leslie McCabe .... Paul Gordon .... Pat Murphy

Hope it goes really well for you Jody, Pat, Leslie and Paul and I am sure you will have a wonderful time seeing all those California friends!

See Pat Murphy's website for more event details...

And Pat will also be having a sale on 3/31 on her site...
xxoo Jen
Earth Angels

1 comment:

Jody Battaglia said...

Hello Jen...How kind of you to share our adventure with all of your readers. You are a kind and generous friend. We wish you could come also as there will be jolly good fun had by all.
Have good friend fun, Jody

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