A friend's home always feels good. It feels as safe and close as a nest, comfortable as a thoughtful conversation and festive as shared laughter.
Every once in a while a friend's house can also be inspiring, especially the home of a friend who shares collecting passions and tastes. My gal pal Ro's home is all those things... and more.

(don't touch the hutch, Ro -- it's perfect!)
Ro treated me to a day of peace and quiet in her home. She took the day off and we did something that I rarely get to do, chill out! We went for a yummy lunch and even did a little girlie fun shopping on the sale racks of Anthropolgie one of my most favorite fashion spots (and the one in Guttenberg, NJ is loaded with goodies galore...)
But best of all I got to prowl around her home and visit her wonderful collections and her treasured objects...old and new artist dolls, birds' nests and paintings. She even let me play in her closet and see her wonderful baubles and all her pretty things...(I felt like a little girl who wanted to play dress up in her big sister's closet!).
Here are some of my fave images about her house...her collections are unmatched!
The table centerpiece of dolls by Nicol Sayre and Christine Crocker is just wonderful...and see Julie Whitmore's pottery and Kitty B's boxes in the background along with some of Leslie McCabe's punch needle creations...

...this may be my favorite corner...

...I love her assemblage pieces from Cheryl Kuhn...

Ro loves the work of Nicol Sayre, Christine Crocker, and Kathy Patterson's new carved wooden dolls...

...her pottery, paper works and dolls marry well...

...one of my faves from Letty Worley...

Ahhh...I could look about your home forever Ro...so much to take in and enjoy. Being there with you was just fabulous. Thanks for for sharing your day, yourself and our special friendship.
xxxooo Jen
Earth Angels
OH I can't take it!!! Her house is AMAZING!!!!! Love the hutch such beautiful dolls. I would love to spend a day in that house:) Thanks sooo much for sharing!! I know I will be looking at this post for awhile:)
Her home is AMAZING!!! What a treasure and treat to see all those wonderful artist pieces all together!!! Simply BEAUTiful!!
OMG RO! I am in awe of your home! (and I'm jealous) How lucky my wee ones are to live not only with you but in your gorgeous house!!!! You have a talent my dear!!!!! It's a GREAT compliment to have creations loved! So I thank you Ro!!! I also miss you....Thanks for the sneak peak...super fun!! XOXO Letty
Thanks Jen for posting about Ro's lovely home. The times I have visited there have been like coming home... when I walk in the door I feel as if I am greeted with hello's and welcomes and all of the dolls saying "see how happy we are in our new home! " A joy and a comfort! xo N
Oh what a treat to get a peek into her home! Thanks for sharing with the rest of us - I just had a great "visit"! *smiles* ~Jen
Such a lovely post about a very lovely lady! I too am happy and honored to call Ro my friend.
I feel so very lucky to have visited Ro's beautiful home in person.
Your home is just BEAUTIFUL, and full of dolls that I would like to own. So If you would like to give some up to mom, I will be a happy camper. Thank's Jen for showing my daughter's home. She is special to me.
To the Anonymous Commenter Whose Comment I Did Not Post: Indeed, this avid collector has many that have been purchased over a great length of time from various retailers, myself/Earth Angels included, and the artist herself. There are many dolls in the images, but you are perhaps perceiving other artists' creations as Nicol's. If I can answer a specific question on a particualr doll and its creator, feel free to email or comment here and I can verify the artist and the various sources for purchasing this artist's dolls. There were 3 dolls available in our recent WEB SHOW and Nicol will be sending more for the WEB SHOW on 7/15. None of the ones from the Web Show or our recent Spring Fling where Nicol also offered dolls are in Ro's collection but you can see their images on this blog if you'd like to see more beautiful dolls. Thanks.
Thanks for the kind words Jen. I enjoyed our day together and wish we had more like that. I am very fortunate to come from a wonderful family of collectors and have so many artists that I call friends!
Oh what an absolute treat and total eye candy! Your wonderful day would be even better than going to a pampered spa!
Cathy ♥
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