It was an evening that we'll long recall...
Here are the hosts of the Third Annual Ferryboat Ball – Victoria & Richard Mackenzie-Childs near the prow of the 1907 Yankee…
They gave their guests an utterly fabulous evening – no one does it like Victoria and Richard…..They are wonderfully fun, and the party had an un-matchably elegant, quirkiness! Every moment was magical…every detail artful…
...here they are with the youngest members of their family...grand children and great nieces...
...young friends served a fun appetizer...bags of fritos with the fixins tossed in...we were given a plastic glove to dig in...

We dined upon a buffet of salads...all served in life preserver rings, suspended from ropes…Victoria was the “Salad Dressing” in gown made of faux veggies…with a table for a skirt, she poured dressings on salads from a collection of their teapots…

Deirdre Friebely was my date…we had a wonderful time exploring the ferry, hauling our drinks from the drink (funky sodas were drawn by rope from the Hudson River where they cooled)…and savoring the artful creations of this talented duo.

I confess to bringing home some really wonderful treats…a few pieces of jewelry…and the real gems, this Animal Shelter lamp now in my living room...

...here's Denise....doesn't she look divine!
...'twas an evening to remember! Thanks to you Victoria & Richard….and to my fellow Check Mates – ahoy! And until next year….
xxoo Jen
Earth Angels
xxoo Jen
Earth Angels
PS Jane, I wish you could have joined us...next time!
How fun for you!!!! I love the
animal shelter lamp - beyond cool.
It looks like you had a wonderful time.... and I agree the lamp is very cool indeed. :)
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