...our walk continued on hobbled, chilly toes...only a few blocks more...ahh the Whitney Museum of American Art. A sure gem in the City's diadem of art museums. With its “Biennial” about to launch, the lobby was abuzz like New Orleans before Mardi Gras. This museum is aggressively fresh with its exhibition schedule and always satisfies my hunger for the new and noteworthy... It is well worth your visit.
We managed to get a table for brunch at the Whitney's restaurant "Sarabeth's" in the museum's sub-level rotunda.

I fell in love with Sarabeth's “Legendary Spreadable Fruit” when I worked the Paris food show, “Sial” with her hubby Bill Levine in 1999. Bill taught me to eat their famous preserves by the spoonful, and I do, almost daily with zero caloric or carb regret. My favorites, Plum Cherry and "Apricadadbra" (apricot-pineapple) can be ordered at http://www.mailordercentral.com/sarabethskitchen/products.asp?dept=2. At $10 a jar they are a real treat and a staple in my cupboard.
Try them on warm buttered toast, it’s heaven.
Funny, how the world is small… I traveled France at 19 with a fabulous gal named Ellen. She is a good friend of Sarabeth's daughter, Jen ....but with a different last name, I only discovered the connection 15 years later when I worked for the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce promoting food and fashion manufacturers, including “Sarabeth’s”!
Well, with a fabulous brunch in our bellies we continued to wander...our feet took us for a quick tour of The Met...just a few block away. I have some favorite pieces that I visit there at least once a year...and greet them like old friends. With the American Wing under renovation, we made an abbreviated tour. Little Charlotte could barely walk another step, though she loved Degas’ ballerinas. With dinner plans on the horizon we ended our walking tour and hopped in a cab.
Charlotte perked up and is sure that, "her first cab ride" was one of the highlights of the trip! Entertainment is a matter of perspective!
More soon…
xxoo Jen
Earth Angels
Your city trip has me making plans for the weekend! I haven't done the Whitney in ages and it's time to take my teen there. Thanks for the photo in your last post. The show was really dreamlike and I'll be writing an essay about it for Cloth, Paper, Scissors - not to appear until...August? Not mentioned by name, but you'll recognize what I'm talking about.
Just a great show!
Jen, I love reading about your many adventures and I especially love the things you share with your family. I must admit I have 4outstanding jars of SaraBeth's yummy goodness on my counter! Lovely!! I'll enjoy some toast and jam as I read over your blog :)
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