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...jen o'connor's...Artful Adventures & Daily Inspirations

I Love Art, Adore the Handmade and Treasure the Vintage. I am the Fun Mom, the Silly Friend and the Writer who wants to make more room for beauty in the everyday.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Momentos of the Soul

Stacey's work reaches far down into me, pulling memories forth from faded days, creating new fantasies and begging a nod to nostalgia. Her work -- her "Momentos" have a depth of soul that fascinates me as much as Stacey Bear does herself. She is luminous, with that dark side that is so compelling to ever ebullient me. Her work is as wonderfully full of feeling as she... sensitive, with longing and a lust for adventure and the treasured button in a jar-full of castoffs.

She sings in her work with painterly details and delicate brushwork that begs a closer look. Stacey's talent is exceptional, with a divine edge of unfettered imagination. Her work is story deftly told to the listener in a visual and tactile harmony. A great gal pal confessed to me that we both need to build additional walls in our homes to fit in more of Stacey's creations... I couldn't agree more. I love her and all that she makes. Some of the pieces I have sold for her haunt me still...

Stacey lives and works in a brick home that has been in her husband Doug's family since the 1840s. Built in 1812, it has three foot thick walls that hold captive memories and the gorgeous patina of time. The steps to her studio rise past the family portraits and old photos, themselves worn down to concave depressions. So many footfalls up and down over the much time spent in those rooms gathering tales. Old walls may ache for new plaster, but never mind, they are festooned with bright colors from Stacey's palette and pockets of her fancies are strewn about. This house is canvas to her beloved collections of old toy monkeys, shells, antique dolls, wee doggies, and her minds eye for color and texture. There's the dollhouse in the dining room, the tavern bar in the den, the fabulous spool tower in the living room, the bowl of felted fruit, the fabulous wallpaper, and more...(This is the stuff of magazine layouts so watch for a peek into the Bear home and Stacey's studio later this year. Jane Dagmi, Editor-at-Large for "Country Living" magazine is preparing a piece...)

We made a road trip to York, PA last summer during a heatwave...Rory, me and Rosanne headed west to hang in the Bear's backyard, hunting for shade and slugging icy cold cokes under the trees where an old chandelier hung from a party we missed. We walked the dirt roads that lead off their backyard into a never ending horizon of soybeans, splashed in the town pool and slept in old twin beds with cool linen sheets. The morning was heaven. Those wide wooden floor boards underfoot, the coffee...I could have stayed the summer.

Stacey's work is fabulous, with many layers and sides to see. Dimensional, passionate and true, as sure as the talent of the artist. And here's my advice, get on Stacey's good side....she knows every best antique shop and hunting ground from Baltimore to Boston. And she is seriously fun to be with.

I have to thank Stacey for all she has done for me and the Earth Angels' artists...It was Stacey who brought Jane Dagmi to our event last May. Three cheers for Stacey and her gal pal networking that resulted in our 6 page spread in the March 2007 issue of Country Living. And many thanks too Stacey for the wonderful batch of new work. E-mail us of you'd like a sneak peek before they are posted to the website....

xxoo Jen


Gina said...

I absolutely love Stacey's work and I can't wait to see more.

Nancy said...

Jen-what a wonderful tribute you give to all your artists! I love Stacy's art - it speaks to me as well.

Anonymous said...

I think Stacey's work keeps getting better and better. I love her new paintings... I especially love the painting hanging off the mirror in the 7th photo you posted. Please add me to Stacey's list for sneak peeks of her work.

PS... I LOVE HER HOUSE!!!! I can't wait to see the inside of it.

Anonymous said...

This is the post I have been waiting for. In 2001 I was walking down and isle of this fantastic folk art show and caught Stacey's booth out of the corner of my eye and couldn't have walked any faster without running toward this gathereing of creations. I remember it like it was yesterday and I purchesed a figure from Stacey. We chatted and I loved the fact that she was wearing these funky hip retro glasses and wore them well (long before anyone else dared to). I adored my little skeleton all year and dreamed of seeing Stacey and her creations again. The next year I met Doug for the first time and Stacey told me of her creatures being in Country Living. I found her work daring just like her glasses! She contiues to impress me with her style on and off the canvas. Fast forward to my first trip to Jens party. Had to pee like you could not imagine...(truth is I was too excited to stop) after a lovely trip to the bathroom I walked in and guess what Angel was standing before me? Stacey Bear! Stacey I love you. Thank you for filling my home with such imaginative creations. Your own spirit is what has connected me to your work and I am thrilled for you & proud of you. You deserve all the fortunes that await you. Thank you so much. Thank you too Jen for your keen eye for great talent. xoxoxoxoxoxo Sandi

Anonymous said...

Jen, all i can say is Wow! Your words have really moved me and I am so lucky to have you as a friend. Art is my passion and I feel very blessed that I am able to make it my living and share it with others. I treasure the time that you, Rosanne and Rory and I spent together last summer, it was so fun and relaxing to just hang in the yard and then zoom off to do some antiquing. All of your encouragement and compliments have meant so much to me and more then anything I have loved meeting all the wonderful people who have purchased my work and that I can now count as friends!
P.S. I didn't realize my painting clothes looked quite so scruffy-no wonder people look at me strangely when i run out to pick up Carson after school!

Diane Duda said...

How can anything but beautiful creations come from such a house!
Stacey's work is enchanting!

Anonymous said...

i love that house! and the beautiful art. stacey is on my list of artist's whose work i one day hope to own...

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen!
I met Stacy at the Market Square Show in 2006...I was exhibiting my faeries in the gallery , and I believe Stacy was helping Jennifer Murphy (not sure on this!) Anyway, I got talking to Stacy about a retail show that I was invited to do, and she was most helpful to me as I am from Oregon and did not have much info on this show. She is a very sweet and giving person and I am forever grateful for her kindness to me.She may not remember me, but,I will not forget her kindness...and Kitty's too!!! Hi Kitty!!! I just love her new work and would love a tour thru her home as well!

Anonymous said...

Stacey's work is enchanting and her house is too! Such a gift the way art connects like minded souls to one another.

Rosanne said...

I cannot say how much I love Stacey. Her paintings get me so excited and I am wild about them. Can't have enough....I just need more walls to put them on. Can I somehow affix them to the ceiling?The colors and the way she mixes textures is wonderful. I never met someone who is so sweet and warms your heart with her smile. My time spent with her at her house last summer was magical. I think it was the last time I felt so serene and happy. She made me feel so welcomed and I just couldn't get over her magnificent home. Her studio...all I can say is WOW....I now know where all the magic is made. Stacey never seems to surprise me....I say to Jen that this is the best work she has ever done and then she creates another fantastic painting. Her paintings make my home feel warm and special. I feel very honored to be Stacey's friend. I am very proud of all her accomplishments and can't wait to see the layout in Country Living. It is well deserved. Thanks Jen for bringing Stacey into my life!

Lori said...

Well these are visions of goodliness. I am really embarassed to say that I have never seen Stacey on your site, I don't think I ever scrolled down far enough down on the folk art link. Well THAT will never happen again. This work has captivated me.

oldflowers4me said...

mmm,well i must still be in your dream as thats what it all reads like , how fantastic is your visit, wow ,you have taken my breath away- wide wooden floor boards and cool linen sheets all sound divine,ive read about stacy, but not much, so thankyou, what a beautiful person she is, love jo, p.s dont forget to put your lipstick on

Anonymous said...

I am constantly amazed at Staceys's art! Her vision is so fantastic, her color choices are always right on and the quirky fun and humor are a glimpse into the heart of Stacey herself. I LOVE her house and can't wait to see her again!! and you too!! xoxox Nic

FrostingsNSparkles said...

Wow, Jen, I haven't seen any of your posts this past month, it always takes me straight to March 5th.

Lots of great pictures to catch up on, and swoon over :D Stacey's work is super!

Anonymous said...

Her work is wonderful! I especially love the women with insect jewelry... right up my alley/sleeve...!

Anonymous said...

her girls look how i feel today. a little lost, ethereal and sad but still with a touch of hope. they are delightful and hope that i will be able to buy one one day.

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