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...jen o'connor's...Artful Adventures & Daily Inspirations
I Love Art, Adore the Handmade and Treasure the Vintage. I am the Fun Mom, the Silly Friend and the Writer who wants to make more room for beauty in the everyday.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Trick or Treat Town
Monday, October 29, 2007 has begun
Cheryl Kuhn arrives on Thursday and we will complete the install with her assemblage and mixed media pieces. I cannot wait to see Cheryl again and I am eager for her first visit to Warwick and the chance for her to spend time with collectors and friends.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Wearing Art Year-Round
Thursday, October 25, 2007
much fondness
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
yo yo Mom & Jude

Here are the sisters in my back yard last summer one magic afternoon.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Wisps of Halloween

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Beneath the Willows

"Beneath the Willows" will go up at The Country Life Gallery next week...
For Laurie Meseroll preparing for this exhibit has been an experience of renewal. Her new mixed-media paintings are imbued with an energetic, yet peaceful palette that surpasses any prior work I have seen Laurie do...These new creations are made in her Woodstock, NY studio to which she returned this past summer after a long absence. They are deep and mystical, borrowing dreams and singing songs from the past Hudson River Schools.
Cheryl Kuhn has been consumed with the creation of a body of work that will hold together in texture and story. The opportunity to see so many of her pieces at once, and to spend time with this poet-artist is thrilling.
We hope you can join us for the Gallery Reception and to meet the artists...
Saturday, November 3rd from 2-7pm.
We will also host a private event that morning for all Earth Angels friends (yes, that means you) from 11am-1pm to preview the work.
Help us celebrate Laurie and Cheryl. All are invited to attend.
And many thanks to our hosts, Debbie and Ken of The Country Life Store, for the fabulous opportunity to show our Earth Angel artists in downtown Warwick, New York.
See my post "Mud-Cakes on the Hudson" from August 15th for more about Laurie and her inspiration for this show...
See my post "The Bon Vivant of Poems" from April 28th for more about Cheryl and her fabulous work...
Hope to see you at the gallery!
xxoo Jen
Earth Angels
Friday, October 19, 2007
Moments of Beauty

She has also just promised to attend another signing...this time around, our First Annual "heART of Winter" Gallery Show.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Best of the Best

Monday, October 15, 2007
Platter Serves Up Re-Do
...times does my decor. In fact, I am happy to confess an obsession with redecorating, or curating, new rooms and realms within my home. After all, it is my castle and I rule it with pure abandon for color and texture, encouraging vintage castoffs to cozy up with folk art beauties. I have no qualms about hanging an original painting next to my $1 find from a yard sale. Things are always moving about. This keeps displays fresh, decor fun, and helps me make room for new finds.
This time the victim was my upstairs hallway. It connects the bedrooms with the kids' bathroom and flanks the railing overlooking our den. I pass through it a million -- well at least 20 times -- each day.
Now.... where to hang it....finding a blank wall around here involves moving and adjusting my many treasures and cherished art... A HA!! There it was, the perfect wall in the upstairs hall. But... the floor, the color, the accessories....all wonderful, but not suitable companions for my new painting.
I think of it as the "Helen of Troy" platter. After all, if one face could launch 1,000 ships, than a fabulous painting could certainly determine our Saturday plans, "honey-do" list nd the decor of a hallway...
I loved pulling together a new color palette of chocolates and blues. They sing with black and white accents. My beloved "I Love Lucy" lamps (found at "Home Goods" years ago for $39.99 a piece) remained, as did one of my most favorite Nicol Sayre pieces in the whitewashed clock case. My chalkware dogs moved in, along with some of my antique children's shoes, and my favorite wedding picture. The Halloween goodies were relocated and a few treasures from Laurie Meseroll and Kitty B were added.... VOILA!
What do you think of the results? I would love to know what inspires you to re-do...Is it that one new piece, a nagging hunger for new color...or just "time" for a change???

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