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...jen o'connor's...Artful Adventures & Daily Inspirations

I Love Art, Adore the Handmade and Treasure the Vintage. I am the Fun Mom, the Silly Friend and the Writer who wants to make more room for beauty in the everyday.

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Monday, August 3, 2009

Inspire * Connect * Share

Jo Packham has asked my help in spreading the word...and so I am asking yours...

She has started an on-line directory on creative women called "Inspire Connect Share"...and we creative women all need to register!

It's free - and a great wat to let your fellow readers know what you do and what you make...whereter your a collector, artist or business owner, this is the venue to share your expertise and promote yourself!

Please log into the INSPIRE * CONNECT * SHARE page on the Where Women Create website

And, if you aren't already getting the WWC newsletter, sign up for that too -- it's also free!

xxoo Jen O'Connor
Earth Angels

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