Hello Monday...
It's a good time to share a peek at what's been going on here...
It's time to greet the week with a hope of sharing a bit about a recent jaunt
I was fortunate to make to the annual convention of NATS!
If these images of British ceramic art at a recent sales mall mean nothing to you, I won't be offended if you skip this post...
You see, some of the circles I travel in are not always concentric to family,
or kids, or my business. But for many years....
28 to be exact...I have collected Torquay pottery...
I love the stuff...don't know what it is???
That's ok...hello to learning something new...
This included here as excerpted from http://torquaypottery.co.uk/
‘Torquay Pottery’ has become the generic term covering the numerous potteries
that made Art Pottery and later souvenir/household pottery, from around
1860 until the late 20th century, mainly using local sources of red
Devon clay. These potteries were based within about 5 miles of Torquay,
in Devon, but also include a few other West Country potteries which
copied the Torquay style. They were usually established by craftsmen who
had learnt or practised their skills in Torquay.
That said hello to all the wonderful pottery friends I have collected over the years...the friends trump the pottery any day...
Hello Sharon...thanks for the Open House...hi Kathy!
Hello Bob...adored your talk on North Devon pots...
even better to finally meet you!
Hello Chris...you know those wonderful mottoes about treasuring the moment...well attach one of them mentally to this picture!
Hello Barb...all the way from Toronto...
loved hearing about your Egyptian pieces and your family's musical nature...
Hello Allison and Judy! Could have talked to you two all day long...LOVE that HOTCAKES necklace Allison! We seem to have more than pots in common and Judy, I sure hope I can make it to Arkansas next year...
Hello Lyn & Kathy...you know how much I adore simply being with you two!
And Lyn, what are friends for??? You even got me to eat Buffalo!!

Hello again Kathy and Judy!
Hello Allison...sure hope you can make the
Nashville Country Living Fair this coming April!
Hello June & John...always a treat to chat with you...
Hello Brenda and Ian...
you two get the long-distance award traveling all the way from England!
thanks for making the effort to share such amazing pots in the SALES ROOM!!!
Hello new week and old friends. Hello Jer & Di, hello Terry.
Hello Shelby & Charlotte...you were missed...so sorry plans went sideways...
Hello to pretty things, and treasuring them over the years.
Hello to playing catch up...there is so much to do around here,
if I think about it, I am gonna lose it!
if I think about it, I am gonna lose it!
Hello to making time to share an hour, an afternoon, a day with a friend...you can learn so much from them.
Hello NATS ... Hello TPCS ...
Are you in American and interested in collecting...click here
In Britain... click here
(be like me and consider joining both!)
Hello DEVON!!! I miss you...what a great part of the planet you are...
Hello to all of you and have a super week...how about some hellos...
leave a comment...
xxoo Jen
PS See you soon Kathy! CANNOT WAIT!
I collect the motto ware. They are such fun little pieces
Jen, what a lovely blog about the convention. It was such a fun weekend with such wonderful frends/collectors. You know, I say, that the pottery brings us together, and then we really like each other too!!! Such incredible friendships, friends from around the globe. We are a great example of how we can all get along if just given the chance to get to know each other. Hope to see you in northwest Arkansas in October 2015 -- or before if you are in the area!!!
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