...there are those among us that know the old ways, the way things used to be done everyday and now, somehow, have been all but forgotten.
Richard Lanne, Jr - yes, that's Earth Angels painter, Jennifer Lanne's hubby, not only knows these old ways, but can share them in the gentle and patient manner of a master craftsman. As a professor of life in what are really lost arts, Dick has begun to share his knowledge on the web via his BLOG...
You can read him to learn more about Civil War era metalworking, edible plants, back woods survival and more...he will also be featured in an upcoming issue of FOLK magazine so stay tuned to hear more about this fabulous and fascinating couple...

Jennifer has set up the BLOG and it looks glorious...I was happy to help with some photos from an event he invited us to in August (just 2 months ago but it seems like a forever...I have been meaning to post since then!)
...but no matter...what Dick knows and shares is ready for the listener...catch him if you can...
Here's what he has to say about himself...
I was born, raised and still living in upstate New York, the foothills of the Adirondacks.I am a life long Boy Scout and enjoy teaching as well as learning about blacksmithing, black powder, flint and steel firemaking, foraging for edible and medicinal plants and other useful affairs of living history, through Boy Scouting events and historical civil war re-enactments.
I am grateful to Dick for sharing all that he does...and in the way that he does...and proud to call him friend.
xo Jen