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...jen o'connor's...Artful Adventures & Daily Inspirations

I Love Art, Adore the Handmade and Treasure the Vintage. I am the Fun Mom, the Silly Friend and the Writer who wants to make more room for beauty in the everyday.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

...what is she up to!

This is Sam...this is his Grandma Krys...

Krys Kirkpatrick is one very talented lady (and a fabulously dedicated grandma now too!)We first met in San Francisco at IDEX in 1999 and worked together for several years from 1999-2005. Then things business grew, their business grew and things shifted from collector bunnies to baby wear at Bunnies by the Bay...some time passed and then, like magic, we met again in September 2010 thanks to The Creative Connection.

So it is utterly amazing to me that we were put in each others' paths and within a day or so, we were back to our plans to share what we love... original art at affordable prices with a lot of fun stuck in between.

If you follow the blog and the site you may recall that 3 days after the close of The Creative Connection, Krys jumped on a plane and met me in Columbus, OH to showcase her art at The Country Living Fair. I love this lady's sense of adventure and bright spirit. What a chance she took...and then just 5 weeks later she was back on plane and met us in Georgia for the Atlanta Edition of the Country Living Fair!'s what she pulled out of her hat (bunny's magic top hat???) for the Fairs...

And here' a quick peek at what she is up to these days...take a look at The Bunnies by the Bay booth at the New York Gift Fair...she is cooking up a line of children's clothing and room adornments for stores and baby boutiques to order...Krys go for it! These are all super designs...

Thanks Krys, for being you, and for loving me and all my crazy ideas...

Krys will also continue to create originals for sale via Earth Angels. Here's a peek at what just arrived from Krys for us to share with Earth Angels' customers and more can be seen on her page...

Stay tuned for more images and details of the new and original watercolors that are available at Earth Angels, and do follow Krys' BLOG

xxoo Jen O'Connor
Earth Angels


krys kirkpatrick said...

Wow...that's cool. You are too generous. I am happy to know you....sista

andrea creates said...

i saw your tent at country living fair-
love her artwork :)

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