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...jen o'connor's...Artful Adventures & Daily Inspirations

I Love Art, Adore the Handmade and Treasure the Vintage. I am the Fun Mom, the Silly Friend and the Writer who wants to make more room for beauty in the everyday.

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

May you gobble til you wobble...


My friend Ro is famous for using this line..."May you gobble 'til you wobble", and I cannot help but think of it when sending out my Thanksgiving greetings. So here's to her and all my great friends, my family and shared traditions. I treasure them all.

THANKS THANKS THANKS too - for all of you out there, for reading me, those of you in blogland, on facebook, on our email lists, those who venture to our events...thanks for following Earth Angels and sharing in the artful spirit...

xxoo enjoy your day and everything in it...
Jen O'Connor
Earth Angels

1 comment:

LizlovesVintage said...

Have a great Thanksgiving!! Gobble, Gobble! Hugs, Liz

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