We did it! …our first Earth Angels event open to the public….
and it was a success! Tons of people (well more like 250...) came by the gallery to toast the art and artistry of Jill Wiener and Jennifer Lanne. Many left with colorful canvases and pottery to enliven their homes and spirits.
So glad so many of you could make it to share in the day!
….and were those Blueberry Belinis yummy, or what?
...I loved meeting Sharon, the gal who went out to buy napkins at the market across the street, saw our “Reception Today!” sign in the window, and left with a huge canvas for her dining room wall…
...my cousin Shelley popped by not realizing it was my event...
...and the Warwick Town Supervisor, Mike Sweeton came by to wish us success with the new Main Street venue and couldn't resist Jennifer’s “Lavender on Eggplant” for his wife, a professional gardener…
I will treasure these stories from the day…
and I am confident that art can bring us together.
Thanks to all who made this beautiful and bountiful day possible…..our hosts Ken and Debbie, Tasie (the best barmaid this side of the Mississippi), Shannon, Ro (our decidedly overqualified check-out chick), Laurie (ace flirt), Nancy, Joanne, Rosie, Jim, Loretta, Michelle and of course
Jill and Jennifer, artists extraordinaire!
I will be counting on each and every one of you to make our next event equally successful… so save the date for 11/3! What a crew we are!
And thanks to all of you for your support and encouragement in this venture! Your emails and comments to this blog have meant so much…
...hope you can join us next time
And thanks to all of you for your support and encouragement in this venture! Your emails and comments to this blog have meant so much…
...hope you can join us next time
xxoo Jen O'Connor
I'm so envious of all those who made the show :) I so wish I could have been there ... and I'm so excited that it was a great day for all those that could go :) I can see so many yummy paintings in all those pictures and lets not forget the pottery... just way to beautiful. Oh... well... next time as they say.
so glad for all the success!!!
best wishes for the next one too
what a crew indeed LOL! where are the people, the masses who showed up to buy republican housewife art? did you offer layaway ????? HAHAHAHAHAH!
oooh!! how fun!!! I wish I had been there!!! :-)
Congratulations on your success!
And isn't Jennifer just so cute? Hooray for all of you!
Jill Wiener's pottery and Jennifer Lanne's paintings are so beautiful in person and I can't wait to own some pieces! (The first giraffe piggy bank to be made is mine!) The Country Life Gallery and the store on the first floor were so cozy and charming and the entire town of Warwick set a nice background for the art. I'm so glad I was able to attend and I look forward to future Earth Angel Toys events. And yes, the Blueberry Belinis were delish! Thanks Jen!
Did anyone save any blueberry belinis for me? :)
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