...here she is...
the diva of decor, the connoisseur of kitsch,
the maven of mood and setting...
My friend Jane has a capacity to synthesize texture and color that would be downright unfair if it remained unshared. She catapults her vision of style across the pages of "Country Living" as their Editor-at-Large. At her post, she exuberantly scours the urban and pastoral to "see" the why and how, the who, and the wonder, of what people like, what they live to enjoy, hunger to collect, and transmit in their homes and design sensibilities... She puts forth her findings with total aplomb in stories so "Jane",
they have her hand prints on the pages.
I have seen Jane work....she wanders and ponders...
"Does the Bakelite-bangled babe also horde colorful 40s Fiesta Ware in her cabinets?"..."Does the faded prom dress hanging in a closet confess the owner's love for vintage textiles and old songs...?", and" ...are the shells on the sill those gathered on a lonely beach last season?".
Jane distills her musings into thoughtful stories and pictorial essays on captivating subjects and locales. In her work, an appreciation for what is simply "there", is omnipresent.
I see her loathe to fluff the pillow, brush the seat print from the bed covers, or adjust the slightly askew frame on the wall. She sees a beauty in the vernacular, the handmade, the folly and the worn. She celebrates what is around her, and in so doing, inspires her readers to the same. Like the smile I must surrender to Rory's baby fingerprints on my kitchen windows, Jane sings a gracious song of time and place and the well lived, and lived-in, life that makes me sway.
I must yield the floor to Jane, and warmly invite you to visit her blog...
...here is a link...
...it's filled with musings, mutterings and the things that inspire her days.
And, yet again, I am reminded in my gratitude that friendship is like a paper chain. One link, one friend, brings me forward to the next. So many thanks to
Stacey Bear, without your friendship Stacey, I would never have met Jane. So it continues, the chain, the circle of friends...
the women that inspire me.
xxoo Jen