we are live thanks for stopping by...

...thanks for stopping by! We are LIVE! with our 10th Artists' Spotlight & WEBSHOW and here to celebrate the wondrous creations of talented A
shley Carter and her "Goldbug Studio" FOLLIES!
I adore Ashley and he spirited and utterly festive creations...she is enamored with old time glamour, sparkle and story telling...these fancies show in her work and her inimitable style...It's a true pleasure to shine our Artists' Spotlight on her this week as we feature a fab selection of her latest creations. Each is made from ephemera, found materials, fine trims, millinery blooms and more charming details...
Enjoy browsing the offerings below ...if one of them speaks to you...just email me to order at Jen@EarthAngelsToys.com OR call me from 8-8 NY time at (845) 986-8720...More one of a kind creations by Ashley can be seen on h
er page on the site...
AND KEEP SCROLLING BECAUSE there are details for a HUGE SALE (up to 60% off..) at the end of this post! OHHH AHHH...

Blue and Silver Bird Glam - hand wrought with lustrous glass glitter these 6" birds are lovely and ready to wire in place with wires on their feet, available in silver of blue, each regularly $18 via this post $14 each, or 2 for $20

Hat Queen of Hearts - exceptionally wonderful, wrought with ephemera, vintage millinery and every festive embellishment, extremely wonderful and done with a bright spirit of celebration, 15", $250

Hat a Trip to Wonderland Glam - my favorite hat to date, suitable for any party in Wonderland or beyond, oodles of detail, glass glitter, ephemera and more, 15", $250

Stella Crown Silver Daisy - this crown is a Bloom of total Glam, very few crowns were made this year and this one exceeds expectations, very, very special, with layers of millinery and paper trims and fineries, to wear or display as a truly regal object, about 9" in diameter and 5" tall, REGULARLY $390, NOW $295

Crown Gold Bloom - this crown is a Bloom of total Glam, very few crowns were made this year and this one exceeds expectations, very, very special, with layers of millinery and paper trims and fineries, to wear or display as a truly regal object, about 9" in diameter and 5" tall, REGULARLY $390, NOW $295

Nest Silver Bird a Fine Day For Flying - just wonderfully festive with it's sparkle, 7x5, REGULARLY $95, VIA THIS SALE $59

It's All About Me Hat - one of Ashley's most fanciful creations, this hat embodies a festive spirit! Lovely millinery blooms, ephemera,couture ribbons and trims and more fanciful details, a great retro vibe too! 15" tall and about 8" wide, $250

Confection is Perfection - laden with charm and oodles of faux candy charms...yummy! Lovely millinery blooms, ephemera,couture ribbons and trims and more fanciful details, a great retro vibe too! 15" tall and about 8" wide, $250

Darling I Dreamed of You Hat - Lovely millinery blooms, ephemera,couture ribbons and trims and more fanciful details, a great retro vibe too! 15" tall and about 8" wide,
Available by special order ONLY...$250

Nest Gold Bird a Fine Day For Flying - just wonderfully festive with it's sparkle, 7x5, REGULARLY $95, VIA THIS SALE $59

Nest Fine Day For Flying - just wonderfully festive with it's sparkle, 7x5, REGULARLY $95, VIA THIS SALE $59
Nest Gold Bird Birds of a Feather - SOLD

Grand Wedding Tinsel Nest - we are thrilled with everything on this wonderful creation! about 15" and beautifully adorned, the ultimate wedding or anniversary gift for someone special (including yourself!), $175

Mask of Silver - a very special small series of masks are available, each hand glittered and embellished with couture trimmings and fine ribbons, 9x4 with a trail of 24" of ribbons to hang or wear to a fabulous fete! REGULARLY $36, VIA THIS SALE $17

Mask of Gold - a very special small series of masks are available, each hand glittered and embellished with couture trimmings and fine ribbons, 9x4 with a trail of 24" of ribbons to hang or wear to a fabulous fete! REGULARLY $36, VIA THIS SALE $17


Small Crown - hand stained golden tole crown with lustrous silver glitter embellishment, 7x4, $36

Cinderella's Shoe - the lost slipper, paper folly of a tag reads a shoe can change ...a life...very limited quantity and oh so special comes beautifully bagged in a glasine bag and nestled in a paper nest for safe keeping, lovely, 4"x3", REGUALRY $40, VIA THIS SALE $32

Blonde Queen of Confection - a wonderful 16" (to the top of her head) this gal is a charmer and sweet with her candy laden dress, removable star and bon bon wands, available in blonde or brunette, (here blonde is pictured), $350
SALE SALE SALE SALE ...on retired designs.....only one of each in stock, unless stated otherwise...

Valentine - well well how retro and sweet, antique valentine sits atop a paper mache box, oodles of detail, charming one of a kind, 4x7, WAS $125, NOW $40

Paper Bella - SOLD

Confection Paper Leaf Faery Crown – his wonderful paper crown is laced with glitter and loaded with style, can be worn by tying the silken ribbons, WAS $390 (Also available in tuxedo), NOW $200

1920s Wedding Topper Wish Box - SOLD

Bebe - an incredible one of a kind paper folly, made as a paper doll by the artist to celebrate 20s fashion, lovely, 9.5", WA $135, NOW $40

Estelle - an incredible one of a kind paper folly, made as a paper doll by the artist to celebrate 20s fashion, lovely, 9.5", WA $135, NOW $40

Glitter Birds - Silver and Pink - 7" glorious fluffy tallied glass glitter birds, available in many colors, to adorn and delight, set of 6, WAS $84, NOW $48

Grande Nest Cow Jumped Over the Moon - wonderful tinsel base with vintage trims and papers, sits or can be hung, really exceptional about 15" tall and 7" wide, WAS $175, NOW $118

Cornucopia – “All Good Wishes and Holiday Cheer” heralded in this incredible piece, about 18” and laden with glorious details, papers, ephemera, vintage millinery trims, German glass glitter, cotton batting birds and more, very special, extremely limited design, one of a kind WAS $250, NOW $168

Tuxedo Crown – Tuxedo Paper Leaf Faery Crown – this wonderful paper crown is laced with glitter and loaded with style, can be worn by tying the silken ribbons, WAS $390, NOW $200

Say Yes Dear Petite Nest - the happy couple, sitting on blue in a nest approx 6” tall, very special cake topper, available as a blonde or brunette bride with crepe paper in 3 tones: robin's egg blue, soft green or ecru, NOW RetiReD AND RARE, elsewhere $75-$125 via Earth Angels $64...very few left!

Grande Nest - Rock a Baby- so sweet a dear, rocking baby cradle in adorable nest adorned with doves and sweet fruit, wonderful tinsel base with vintage trims and papers, sits or can be hung, really exceptional about 15" tall and 7" wide, WAS $195, NOW $118 a retired design, one in stock

Harvest Queen Crown – loaded with lush reference to the harvest, wheat, berries and a cornucopia of details! About 11x14 overall size, an exceptioanal one of a kind, WAS $400, NOW $200

Grande Nest Frog Prince – truly elegant and lovely, a wonderful tinsel base with vintage trims and papers, sits or can be hung, really exceptional about 15" tall and 7" wide, WAS $195, NOW $118 a retired design
and to you for stopping by to browse her latest work and show your support for our artists...
Our "Artists' Spotlights" and weekly webshows are something we wanted to do for Summer 2011...this is our chance to celebrate the talents of our Earth Angels artists...each week they are working to present original art made for this venue...they hope to share what they do, inspire and bring good cheer with their great art.
What a wonderful grouping of original work! If anything speaks to you, please call me at 845-986-8720 from 8-8 NY time to order or email me at Jen@EarthAngelsToys.com
xoxoxo Jen
Earth Angels
xxoo Jen
Earth Angels PS....if you missed the recent spotlights on Jennifer Lanne, Melody Elizabeth, Laurie Meseroll, Cheryl Kuhn, Valerie Weberpal, Debrina Pratt and/or Nicol Sayre-- we've left them up here on the BLOG pages -- just scroll back in the BLOGroll or click the links to see the offerings...